Charting a Course for NordicTrack's Optimization Journey

Increased conversion rates

Improved customer experience

Person running on a treadmill in their home

NordicTrack stands as an industry leader in fitness equipment, providing best-in-class home exercise solutions. They are well-known for their innovative fitness machines and commitment to customer health.

Marked by new leadership steering a brand evolution amidst intense market competition, NordicTrack had proudly committed to ongoing optimization and iteration of the shopping experience.

With lofty business goals of lifting their conversion rate by 85% and subscription attachment rate by 25%, NordicTrack tasked us to partner in developing a testing strategy that could help them hit their marks. Collectively, we developed a roadmap comprising big swing designs as well as iterative tests which together, would move the needle closer to their business commitments while also providing new learnings and insights.

A model that defined and measured three program goals into digestible milestones

An extensive backlog consisting of over 85 test ideas

A meticulous roadmap detailing six months of tests

Detailed business briefs for each test included in the roadmap

Email design example for NordicTrack Email design example for NordicTrack

Quick Technology Enablement Roadmap

We recommended and implemented best-in-class technologies tailored specifically to meet the unique requirements of NordicTrack. By aligning these technology choices with what was best for them, we established a robust foundation for future optimization endeavors, guaranteeing a return on technology investment. As a result, we crafted a technology pipeline that delivers unified, holistic, and precise data, laying the groundwork for invaluable insights that will drive all testing strategy forward.

A/B Testing Roadmap

With a data-driven approach in place, we drew insights from a diverse array of sources including historical test learnings, Google Analytics, Fullstory, and ROI models, we facilitated three OKR meetings and a test ideation session. With two major objectives in mind, we then identified four optimization themes that aligned and supported these goals. With a robust set of data, did this by identifying patterns and pain points on their sites and then defined our strategies around enhancing the user experience.  Within two weeks, we delivered the following comprehensive set of assets:

  1. A model that defined and measured three program goals into digestible milestones. Supporting that, four optimization themes attached with strategy briefs and ROI potential. 
  2. An extensive backlog consisting of over 85 test ideas, ranked using our prioritization calculator. This ensured a wealth of options for ongoing optimization efforts.
  3. A meticulous roadmap detailing six months of tests, thoughtfully planned out to maximize testing velocity, insight generation, and ROI for their optimization efforts.
  4. Detailed business briefs for each test included in the roadmap, providing clear hypothesis, design variables, and additional details for seamless execution and evaluation.

Measuring Impact

The implementation of our roadmap yielded quick results for NordicTrack, positively influencing their business metrics and advancing their optimization objectives. By providing a comprehensive plan tailored to their needs, Conversion Compass empowered NordicTrack to navigate their optimization journey with clarity and purpose.

Within just one month of implementing the roadmap, NordicTrack witnessed significant progress. Two out of the three running tests reached statistical significance, with newly introduced designs emerging as the winners. This outcome proves the effectiveness of our strategic approach and the tangible impact it has had on NordicTrack's bottom line.

Additionally, the structured roadmap has helped NordicTrack to stay on track with their optimization initiatives, ensuring timely execution and progress towards their business goals. With a clear direction outlined for the next six months, NordicTrack continued to leverage data-driven insights to drive meaningful improvements in their digital ecosystem while keeping their entire company up to date on upcoming initiatives.

UI screenshots from NordicTrack


Overall, our partnership with NordicTrack has not only yielded initial results that were forecasting a 25% relative lift on conversion but also laid the foundation for sustained growth and innovation. By aligning our strategies with their business objectives and leveraging our expertise in technology enablement and A/B testing, we have positioned NordicTrack for continued success in the competitive fitness equipment market. As optimization partners, our goal goes beyond short-term test metrics - it’s about enabling lasting capabilities. We're proud to have equipped NordicTrack’s team with the frameworks, experience and strategic clarity to drive their customer experience forward.